Hello sweet friends. Welcome to another Monday and another week! I hope you all had a great weekend ;)
Right now, I want to pause and just focus and Be. Not just try to be and talk about being. I want to Be!
I think we all too often just daydream about what we want to become and what we want to achieve…. when we do this we focus too much about our future selves and not enough about our selves right this moment. And when do we have the most power? Not in the future – we have power over the very present moment, and that’s it. Taking the time and living in the present moment, taking action in the present moment will create a better YOU!
Whatever you want to achieve… don’t wait. BE present. BE willing. BE.
I am guilty of this so much but it’s about time I really woke up from my daydreams and took action to BE the person I want to BE.
For today and everyday, remind yourself to just : Be. Don’t try to become… Just be.
Your reflection : What does this quote mean to you? Please share your thoughts… xo
Fantasic quote -Changed my life! It’s gonna be my first tattoo and i’m 31 :)