I cried all the way to Walmart* this morning…
It’s been such a rough week for so many people this week. Mondays’ tragedy at the Boston Marathon was hard to cope with and it breaks my heart that these poor innocent people were affected by these horrible acts of violence.
Believe me, I am deleting a lot of words here that come to my mind. My mind is full of anger, hurt, helplessness and complete heartbreak…
This week has been so rough especially for any mother or father who for one split second put themselves into to the shoes of Martin’s dad, the 8 year old boy who didn’t survive the disaster. And who’s last day on this earth was spent watching his dad run a marathon. It breaks my heart that *this* happened. It breaks my heart that innocent people die all over the world ever day.
I try very hard to create a happy place here on this blog and in my life, to focus on the good, on the happy. But sometimes it just bursts – because my heart gets too full…
So today, I’m taking on the world again and I’m arming myself with more love and in my bare hands I hold the lightest weapon : peace.
And today, I will carry on with my life as best I can. And today and everyday, I promise to hold my family just a little tighter…
I hope you will find some peace and love in your life. Wishing you a love-ly weekend. Peace. Ella
* our Walmart started carrying some organic produce and they have a 2 lbs bag of organic carrots for $2! I was in a mood for carrot muffins! ;)
As for the Potluck Party – I will post one up later today so please do visit soon. At this moment the Nourishing Potluck Party is still on – so please visit that page and share a nourishing recipe if you would like ;) xo
The events of this week are so sad and also make me emotional. It’s nice to see a post that reflects on not only the tragedy but also the feelings that everyone shares at this difficult time. Thank you.
Thank you for this post! These times are hard, more so for parents and their children. My heart goes out to all of them and you as well.