I wanted to share more about what I feel makes up a healthy diet because I still see so much confusion about food out there.
Food is just so complicated it seems ~ why is that?
I also feel like I might be adding to the confusion too because I often share gluten-free and vegan food, I know I get labelled as a gluten free vegan. But I am neither gluten-free nor vegan. I never have been fully gluten-free or fully vegan. I apologize if this could come as a shock or offend anyone out there.
I also want to say that I don’t think a diet that is gluten free is necessarily healthy. There’s tons of food out there that is gluten-free and really unhealthy. Just like a vegan diet doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthier either. There’s tons of food that is vegan and can be really unhealthy.
So labelling diets isn’t always a good thing. One thing I want to mention is that I don’t label diets, but I do label my recipes so that it helps people who watch out for allergies get directed better so they know what to expect from a recipe.
I am all about striving to eat the healthiest food with the most nourishment. I also try to prepare food with love and eat with mindfulness. I started to make incredible changes to the way I ate and made some incredible changes to my health from a rare and devastating illness. Now I eat to just feel great! Food is such a life force – it is energy, nourishment, strength and even love.
The way you eat is a reflection of the respect you have for yourself.
I loved this saying that came up in a conversation with a friend… that I knew I had to share.
Does the way you eat reflect how you respect yourself?
How to eat healthier for your own wellbeing:
When you look at the food that’s on your plate, does it make you happy? How do you feel while you eat – do you rush? Is your mind lost on your to-do list? Do you multitask and eat while working? Do you rush and hardly taste the food you eat? Does it feel like nourishment? Do you feel satisfied and energized after you eat or just satisfied but drained of energy?
The connection of food with your wellbeing is the first awareness about what you maybe should and shouldn’t be eating.
From the feeling you get when you look at the plate of food in front of you, to the experience you have with your meal, to the way it makes you feel after – all these points are so important to pay attention to. Is it more important than a labelled diet? Definitely.
Only you know what makes your body thrive and feel good. Boxing yourself in a specific diet can feel restrictive and it can lack specific nutrients too. I believe in getting all nutrients from real food and learning about what’s in the food you eat is so important. It’s so easy to get interested in nourishment – we have to eat every day, why not make it worthwhile to eat great – it might just make you feel great and help you in the long run to prevent disease. I don’t know why this radical eat-to-thrive idea is so hard to sell.
Going forward, I will be prioritizing nutrition more and create posts about superfoods, supplements and more health tips to help you make the right decisions.
Respect yourself. Don’t be lazy. Provide your body with pure natural food, buy organic whenever possible, eat regular balanced meals, eat less sugar and junk food. We can all do a little better. You might just feel amazing, have more energy, get healthier, look better, etc. etc. if you just stick to it and respect yourself.
Ella Leché is a cookbook author (‘Cut the Sugar‘), recipe developer, and photographer/stylist behind Pure Ella; where she shares delicious and healthy recipes. Eating PURE is clean ingredients, whole foods, plant-based nourishment and delicious desserts – with quality ingredients and sweeteners so they’re treats with benefits so you won’t have to feel deprived or restricted to eat healthier.
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