Although no one likes it… cold season is here and it’s here to stay…. :( We’ve already been brushed with sniffles and coughs… and it’s no fun! Good thing I already know this recipe for a DIY Natural Cough Syrup by heart and I make it every time I see a smidgen of a runny nose or just overall unwellness.
It’s a miracle concoction that has helped my family countless times and I’m sure it will help you and yours too. And you know what’s great? This homemade cough syrup tastes great!! It really does! My 2 year old LOVES it! :)
As you’re learning that there’s onion and honey in this, you really don’t taste the onion at all – it really is delicious :)
DIY Cough Syrup
- 1 medium onion, peeled and sliced
- 3 tablespoons of raw honey
- (optional) 1 clove of garlic, chopped
- In a bowl or glass dish (preferably with a lid) (please avoid plastic for this), add the sliced onion on add in the honey.
- Mix to combine well and set aside for about 3 hours at room temperature. Uncovered or slightly covered with some air going in.
- The sugars in the honey will break down the onion juices and a syrup will form.
- Simply scoop up the syrup with a tablespoon and consume 1-2 tablespoons per dose.
- Keep at room temperature for up to 3 days. Store for the night in the refrigerator.
Note: not for babies 12 months and under.
Note: this is best made with honey as honey has natural cough-reducing properties. But any sugar will also break down the onion juices – we’ve done this with maple syrup and it works great too especially if you need a vegan option.
Here is why this DIY Cough Syrup works:
Healing power of honey for colds/ coughs:
- Honey contains antioxidant, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties that fight against the virus, bacteria, and fungus to treat the cold and its underlying symptoms.
- It helps to soothe a sore or scratchy throat naturally and relieves irritation.
- It boosts the immune system, which reduces the severity of cold and also prevents future colds and other viruses.
Healing power of onion for colds and coughs:
- Onion is a natural anti-inflammatory and antiviral food – it is nature’s antibiotic!
- Onions strengthen the immune system.
- Onions are a natural expectorant (they help to loosen up mucous so you can cough it up.)
Honestly, I grew up with this syrup always made fresh at home by my mom, now I make this all the time for myself and the whole family including the kiddos. We all LOVE it – like it actually tastes great and Mia, my 2 year old asks for it and loves it.
I quickly recover when I take this syrup and I only get very mild symptoms of a cold and cough. It’s like magic!! :)
I hope you’ll try this as soon as you get the first symptom of a cold coming on… you will be surprised how delicious AND powerful it is!
Thank you so much for this family wisdom share.
Well this was what I needed last week!
Thank you for sharing this! There is so much “junk” in store bought brands. Have recipe pinned and will definitely be giving it a try this cold and flu season. Awesome!
Wow! This is really interesting and seems so easy! It reminds me of a Singapore medicinal syrup we use here call ” pi pa gah’. It’s a black molassesly syrup with mint. Will it work with manuka honey as well?
Your syrup sounds great :)
Now I want to try that!
YES!!! Manuka honey especially is a superfood powerhouse! I highly recommend it and it would take the medicinal properties to the next level!! Hope you love it and will see great relief when you do catch cold ;)
*hugs* ella
I also love using Manuka honey for immune health. This looks like a must-bookmark for the winter season. Thank you!