Hello everyone and welcome to Day 15 of our Cut the Sugar Challenge!
Isn’t it all exciting to make all these changes. To cut sugar and eat healthier! Ditch all the bad stuff – eat only the good stuff!
It’s the new year after all! Let’s also do some yoga while we’re at it and show gratitude every single day and practice forgiveness even towards that guy that totally cut you off on the highway this morning. And call your mom while you’re at it and don’t forget to Like your friend’s photos on Facebook and get the house looking spotless… and meal plan and cook and fit into a size 2!?
Ahh…. isn’t it all just so freaking overwhelming?
All these changes… all this pressure… all these expectations to be awesome – to be perfect!
I’m all for cheering people on with their goals and their resolutions but the reality is that none of it is worth it if you’re sabotaging your relationship with your own self while doing it. Forcing yourself to ‘live your best’ is kind of a smack in the face! So many times we do what we should that we forget to do what we need to do.
We focus on the goal so much, that we forget to see the present.
How are you really doing?
Is this all too much sometimes?
Do you feel pressured to live your best?
Do you just want that piece of chocolate?
Sometimes when we are in a go-go-go mode we forget how to even breathe and be kind to ourselves in our own head.
There’s so much pressure to perform and cross off our to-do list and show for it that stress creeps up from left and right.
And you know what? None of it is as important as how you feel inside in your own skin.
Have you ever been on a self-destruct mode? Are you self-destructing yourself right now? With working out everyday at the gym, eating obsessively or forgetting to eat then bingeing out or maybe working late past midnight or maybe not saying nice things to yourself in the mirror…?
Most of us have so much pride in ourselves to be just honest and address our needs properly.
I know it’s a time for change and new beginnings, but it’s also a time to give yourself a big hug right now and tell yourself how just trying is good enough, that how you feel in your own body is more important than looking flawless, and how your laugh lines are more important than your wrinkles around your beautiful eyes…
And while you’re trying your best to cut sugar out of your life – sometimes it’s ok to have these tiny bits of pleasures.
That’s why my approach is gentle and not destructive to live completely sugar-free.
Hey beautiful… just do your best and don’t beat yourself up about it when you slip. We’re not perfect. I’m not perfect. Our results don’t have to be perfect. What’s important is that you take little baby steps towards your happiness and improved health. Little changes matter but also little joys matter too.
What I learned from my experiences is that health and happiness are truly connected. You can’t address only one and neglect the other. The best way to get results is to listen to your body and give it what it needs.
Maybe it’s a nap today, but an awesome workout tomorrow. Maybe it’s a bit of dark chocolate and a tea and a blanket.
Set your own pace…
Be good to yourself and just do your best.
Wishing you all a very happy Friday and a fun and relaxing weekend ahead! xo
Have you ever drained yourself while trying to push hard and be your best?
Did ‘healthy living’ backfire on you? Share your experiences in the comments below. And thank YOU so much for being here. <3