Happy Friday! Yeah! Although I don’t know how this happened… I mean, the weeks are zooming by ever so quickly. I mean, today is mid April!
I am so excited to show you these photos of our last little playdate in our backyard. Our Aprils are not that pretty just yet – not much is blooming other than a few tiny crocuses. But the fun brightness of spring came through in these shots anyway with these two adorable girls and all the happy colours they carried!
And what says Springtime more than clothes drying on the line?
They made for an interesting background ;)
I have a little preference to my wide angle lately. So most of my photos recently are in that feel. My 50 mm is collecting dust. By the way, I’m thinking of adding photo tips etc. to my posts. Let me know if you like this idea ;)
This weeks’s FF sharing comes from Mel of I Speak Melsh:
“Our highlights this week were: my son passing Grade 3 in the tenor horn and our daughter getting to a total of 200 team merits at school and hence gaining a special certificate. It was so lovely to have a family celebration (pizza!!) to praise them both for their achievements :)”
Wow Mel, Congrats to your kiddos. That is one celebratory pizza party ;D. Thanks for sharing!
So, what was your Family highlight this week?
(share in the comments below and I may feature your highlight next week ;)
(ps. I’ve just added the FREEBIE for your Family journaling ;) CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
photo tips? of course! they’ll be more helpful than mine ;) “close. but not too close!” lol
have a great weekend. lovely photos.
Yay, that’s me! Thank you very much :)
We had our end of term school Easter service today. Having been very proud of my own kids last week, today I was just so proud of the whole entire school, especially the 9-10 year-olds who led the service so beautifully and confidently. They were brilliant. It was a school family highlight, for sure :)
They love each other. Your little one is so happy.
Best Friends Forever!!! What a great post and very cool pictures too. Cheers!
awesome photos, you have such a good eye for colors and angles and shapes.
yes, photo tips, please. Lord knows I could use ’em.
Thanks Amy. I just have to say you’re looking *hot* in this new photo icon!
I love this b&w photo ;)
Yes to photography tips and editing tips!
Looks like a fun day for two sweet friends!
I think photo tips would be a great idea!! I always capture moments with my mind and my heart…. but I bet you I will be a sad old lady when I get forgetful and don’t have photos to look at. I need some inspiration to take more photos- and you tips would help!!
Hello hon! Yes I think you need another Paris vacation, and this time to actually USE your camera once a while ;) Kisses!