It was late, 10:36 pm, when I glanced at my calendar – first time today – and noticed it’s World Gratitude Day coinciding with International Day of Peace. Well, is’t this just the most beautiful day ever? ;) I certainly hope it was for you my dear friend ;)
Interesting, I thought. I smiled and that very moment. Many thoughts of gratitude ran through my head. So now, I’ve sat down and realized I need to form this into words and send off to the universe so the whole world (ok so just a few readers) knows just how grateful I really am.
Because, let me tell you. One thing I am is incredibly, ecstatically grateful! I am bursting with the joy of realizing how lucky I really am. At this very moment, I feel really appreciative of everything that is in my life.
Thank you my dear husband for putting up with me being there ready to catch me when I fall (literally). Thank you my sweet, innocent, beautiful and very smart little daughter for bringing sunshine to my heart and a smile to my face every time I see you. Thank you to my family for all the help you’re providing me with no expectations in return. Thank you especially to my mom, for always putting me, and the rest of my family in front of herself always – you want nothing in return and devote so much of your selfless love to us. Thank you to my amazing friends, (especially the few close ones – you know who you are) for being there for me when I need to vent, cry, laugh, and just to know I have someone I can always lean on. And thank you to you, as you’re reading this, I really appreciate your time for stopping by, reading my words and leaving comments. This space is real and part of my whole heart. I just wish I could give more out of myself – but at this point in my life, I can only do what I can only do. But I really appreciate our friendship and our connection right now.
And thank you to me, yes little old me, for not giving up on myself, for believing in me and taking small steps to make a change for better. I think it is the hardest to believe in yourself, to know your own strengths, weaknesses, limitations, goals, secrets, pain – and yet be able to open yourself and let in little bits of sunshine into the pockets of your heart. I have lived through one of the darkest periods of my life, (I certainly hope things don’t ever get worse). I have scraped off dirt from the earth and buried my empty self in the darkness. But I did not give up. I have persevered. Hung on to little threads of hope. Hope brings peace to your heart, and peace brings acceptance. Acceptance brings on healing. And healing creates action. And Action kicks Ass!
Ooohhh I was getting too poetic there ;) I am no Gandhi but I tried to bring out some of my wisdom out there…. I suppose another birthday does that to a gal ;) The facts are out there – and I am getting old ;) lol.
Back to a more serious note, I have learned a lot. I am constantly learning but I have created a content, peaceful world for me. Amongst the chaos that is still in my life daily, I am at peace with my own self. I have accepted that things are not perfect – and I have learned that they’re not supposed to be perfect. I have accepted that my health may never be 100% back to what it used to be. But I feel great. I feel strong, I feel happy and most of all I feel grateful and peaceful.
I may not have mentioned this before, but when I was going through a rough time with my health, with a little baby at the time, I kept writing a Gratitude journal almost every night. I would take a few moments before going to bed and write only the positive things that happened that day. I scribbled them down as I recalled the moment and held onto that memory which brought a little bit of sunshine to my heart that moment.
Writing a Gratitude journal is wonderful. I cannot recommend it enough. It is healing to the heart and mind. It becomes a type of therapy and opens up yourself to new possibilities. Through appreciation, you find a new path towards happiness. Try it for yourself right now. You don’t need a fancy journal just a simple notebook will do. Tear out old used pages if you are reusing an old book – so that you start completely fresh – free from all your past clutter. And think:
What are you grateful for?
What is good in your life?
What brings you happiness this very moment?
Open up your heart and let yourself smile because you are lucky too, I know it ;)
And that wraps up our World Gratitude Day and International Day of Peace. I hope you had a wonderful day and will have a beautiful day tomorrow. xo Ella.
What are you grateful for today?
:: the beautiful photo art above from the very inspirational Natalia Adamska.
What a beautiful post, Ella!
I love this:
“Hope brings peace to your heart, and peace brings acceptance. Acceptance brings on healing. And healing creates action. And Action kicks Ass!”
I just scrawled it across the top of my calendar.
You are amazing. Keep on kicking ass.
Beyond this, Ella-Ghandi~(a nice ring, don’t you think~),
Gratitude: Imagine everything you love in life disappearing…..pause and feel…..then, reappearing again…..*pause and feel*<3
Thank you~for making time to share:)