I thought it would be good to post a follow up to my original post Supplements for MG. A lot has changed from that time, so here is the current supplement list:
Lecithin granules
Phosphatidyl Choline
Creatine (taken occasionally before workouts)
Fish Oil (switched to Flax oil)
Multivitamin (don’t take one)
Calcium/ Magnesium (I don’t take it anymore. Magnesium in large quantities can be a muscle relaxant so don’t take it as a supplement (some nuts/almonds are good though)
Vit. D
Spirulina/ Chlorella
Cleanses I did:
1st one was a Parasite Cleanse from ‘renew life’
then I did a Candida Cleanse (also from renew life called CandiGone)
MOST IMPORTANTLY (now that the cleanses are done) – I cleanse the body of toxins/yeast/bacteria with Oregano Oil, Grapeseed Extract, Olive Leaf Extract
Now here’s the new stuff:
Wheatgrass juice (1 daily) it helps to purify/cleanse the blood
Huperzine A (hear it’s great stuff – I don’t have it though yet)
Now I’m curing a ‘Leaky Gut Syndrome’ with a product from renew life as well called ‘IntestiNew’
I also added a good quality Probiotic – this is key in rebuilding ‘friendly’ bacteria in the body which promotes healthy intestines.
DIET CHANGES – include an Anti-Candida diet: no sugar of any kind, no dairy, no alcohol or other fermented stuff like vinegar, pickles etc. I also got rid of meat but you don’t have to for a Candida diet. NO processed foods of any kind.
It’s a Great idea to do an allergy test to make sure you’re not eating something that is making the body sick. Get all kinds of tests done to see if the body is malnourished somewhere. Plus it’s good to educate yourself on what a healthy diet is and make sure you’re eating things that help the body heal. Good luck, let me know if you have any questions. There is HUGE alternative help out there let’s help each other out.
Stunning images! I adore the post so much! xoxo