I’m seeing yellow school buses on the streets, curled up leaves on the sidewalks… these are sure signs that the summer has ended. I thought it would be great to SUMMERIZE (typo intended ;) and do a ‘summer in review’ post today. In fact, I think this is such a novel idea that maybe a few of you, my blogger friends, may want to join in on this interesting flashback adventure. I think it will be a learning game in the process about yourself and each other, a great revival of your memories, emotions and lessons learned. Please join me and link to your SUMMERIZING in the comments, for all to see and learn about you.
What is the best memory of this summer for you?
My best memory is probably of the beach we went to. It was the perfect spot to unwind, reconnect with my husband, and to enjoy my family outside of our everyday lifestyle at home. It was priceless watching our daughter escape in the beauty of the beach as well, as she collected little treasures from the sand and endlessly enjoyed splashing in the water. We will definitely be back at this beach again – can’t wait.
What is the one event you looked forward to the most? Did it turn out as you expected?
The one event I looked forward to the most was our 5th Wedding Anniversary. In my head I thought it would be a magical and romantic day. I had a wake up call with reality though that life’s just the way it is. We ended up having a difficult and challenging day instead. For now, I’m back with a realistic outlook once again and won’t let a fairytale dream fool me. Things are fine now, but boy it was just bad timing for a tornado to hit.
Have you done/tried/tasted something completely new, how was your experience?
Yes, I’ve gone on a wheat-free and egg-free diet. I’ve done a lot of changes to my diet, like cut back sugar to a pea size (including fruit), but this was more challenging than I thought. For now I’m doing good – but it was a battle at first and I would sneak some wheat crepes (my mom had made) and some new fresh crusty breads and baguettes my husband had bought – it’s hard to resist temptation when it’s right in front of you! But now I’m doing better and just not reacting to it when I do see some wheat products. I read the ingredients carefully and I bought many many alternative flours that I still don’t know what to do with. I also haven’t had eggs in a long time but I still need to pick up some alternatives in case a recipe calls for them. So I don’t eat them – but I’m not ready to carry on confidently yet.
Is there a valuable lesson you learned this summer?
I learned to prioritize ME sometimes. When I’m tired I go to bed early, when I need space (aka no one in the house) I ask my husband to go for a walk with our daughter. I also learned to not cheat on my diet, and that I need to exercise more will power when I’m supposed to avoid certain foods. (In my case, my health is on the line if I carve my fork into a chocolate cheesecake) (my heart just skipped a beat writing that cc combination ;) Speaking of exercising, yes I need to do more of that too ;)
Have you applied yourself creatively and created projects that you wanted to?
Yes, I came across a blanket (second photo) I started knitting for my baby – – get this – when I was still pregnant! I have added a lot to it in the last few weeks but it’s not finished yet. I have also done cute decorations for my daughter’s 3rd Birthday Party as well as her fairy outfit. I’ve made a Fishy Squishy toy for my little nephew, made a dress for my daughter (out of my own top ;) Plus, I’ve really taken my photography skills more seriously and have enjoyed many fun photo shoots like these ones here (back to school), here (cute girls) and here (pregnancy photo shoot)
Is there something you wanted to try or complete that you didn’t have the time for? What do you think stood in your way and will you still attempt it?
My TO DO list is always long, too long in fact and I’m not realistic about my time – therefore I always want to create more than I can actually complete. I don’t like to look at myself as a procrastinator (well maybe sometimes ;), but as a person who just wants to do too much. There are lots of projects I want to make, like decorating a blanket for my daughter, making some jewellery piece for me, finishing up decorating my home office and bedroom so that I could finally show off a home tour ;)
From your summer experience, what are you most grateful for?
I am most grateful for my daughter who is more brilliant than I ever expected her to be, especially at only 3. She loves learning new things, is great at drawing letters and lately stick people (SO CUTE), and is already fully bilingual at her age level (AWESOME). I am not grateful however for her continuing tantrums and attitude! Sorry ‘what you’re NOT grateful for’ wasn’t even a question. Oops ;)
What was your favourite place you travelled to? Do you plan to go back there?
It was the beach I mentioned earlier and yes we will go back. Maybe book a cottage nearby…
Is there a blog that inspires you the most?
Yes, way too many to mention, Soule Mama is still up there for my creativity drive, Free Spirit Knits is my guiding light, Under the Sycamore is my photography encouragement – I’ll stop here, but there are many many I try to visit daily that inspire me all the time. Thank you to all my new friends in blogland ;)
Is there a blog post you’re most proud of?
I love how my giveaway post for Back to School turned out. I had so much fun with the photography (I had a great model ;), and I think the product was represented well with the overall post. This post really shows my professional nature of having a creative company and being in roles of a graphic designer, art director, photographer and stylist ;) (btw, the giveaway is still on ;)
Is there a blog post you wish had more reaction and/or comments?
Maybe this one called Get Your Health Back, that’s only because I see first hand how our health is the most important in our life and the way we eat is often ridiculous – most people eat way too much sugar, processed foods, and saturated fats. Our diets really impact our wellbeing now and our overall health in the future.
What is your favourite photo that you’ve posted this summer?
It’s hard to pick just one, it would have to be between this one of the beach (that I did as an inspirational poster) and this one with my daughter.
What photo or photos from this summer you didn’t get a chance to post?
There are sooo many more that didn’t get featured. I will still try to squeeze them in in the next few weeks ;) For now, here is one that I will always love:
see a follow up to this post with more photos here
Wow. This was harder than I thought ;) I had fun SUMMERIZING my summer and bringing up some of the old projects and photos in my posts. This was a blog review but also a personal reflection for me and I am so happy I could share this with you. I hope you can join me on this fun, thought provoking journey ;) If you plan to, you can paste the ‘Summerizing’ image from the top into your post, answer the questions in your own words and link back to me so we can all share our answers. Have Fun SUMMERIZING!
I love your photos — especially the ones at the beach and the ones with the snack bags! Your daughter is adorable…
I hope you and your husband celebrated your anniversary belatedly… My husband and I weren’t able to celebrate on our anniversary and it’s still on our ‘to do’ list.
Well this was nice getting to know you better ;)
Thanks for sharing.
Hey you! I love this idea. I will work on something in the following week. My goal is to go through all my old photos so it will be fun to start by reflecting on this past summer. Great idea. And BIG thank you for including me. I am honored. Love our connection…
I did a summerizing post on my blog too. :) What a fun exercise! Thanks for letting me know. http://www.anartfamily.com/2010/09/summerizingsummer-in-review.html
Joy, I’m so happy you joined the fun ;D
I had a blast reading your post.
Thanks everyone for your sweet comments and interest ;)
Excellent idea…thanks for inviting us to join in. I spent a fairly quiet summer at home for the most part this year, but I found a few things to write about. :)
Thanks Debbie!
I loved reading your post. Your photography is beautiful and I would love some beautiful butterflies in my garden to photograph too ;D
Big Hugs!
What a great picture! It was nice to get to know you a little better.
Lovely photos- and lovely summer.. as you head into fall I head into spring… just a reminder that the seasons turn so fast and time flies!! Really nice to take time and reflect.
This was a great idea! Now that I’ve taken some time to reflect and savour my memories of summer I feel much better about heading into fall. Thank you!
This was a great post and wonderful idea. This has been a summer of “doggy paddling” just to keep my head above water so I don’t have time to do a whole post on this but I appreciate being invited :) Dealing with aging parents took me away from almost all of my leisure time activities. But I’ve learned long ago gardens are forgiving, and because of the demands on my time from both my parents and our 5 children, this summer I have learned to “live in the moment” more. Not a bad lesson to learn :) Thanks for sharing your family’s summer. It was a pleasure to get to know you a little better!
Thank you for including me in your “summarizing” project. This is a beautiful post, and that photo at the very end is amazing! I really admire your photography skills.
I did a similar project, only I summarized Summer (bit of a tongue twister there!) through our photos, which you can see here: http://catfurtomakekittenbritches.wordpress.com/2010/08/20/summer-in-summary/
If I had more time right now, I’d love to do a full post, as you did, but I think my photo collection will have to suffice for the moment. I hope that’s not bending the rules too much!
Thanks again for including me in the project. What a creative idea, and what a great way to get to know you and other bloggers better!
Thank you so much for putting this together and for inviting me to participate! i really enjoyed reading everyone’s posts. Here’s my summerizing post http://theenchantedtree.blogspot.com/2010/09/summerizing.html
ok finally got it done, but still couldn’t get the badge to work – or photos to post…sigh…
thanks for the invite! and the great idea! :)