Hello dear friends!
Another week is here and boy oh boy I don’t know how we’re almost right smack in mid January! Hello 2014 – where are you going so fast???
All I can say is that reflecting back on 2013 – it was the best year ever! So, I don’t really know how 2014 could go from here… oh I know, it can be better than 2014! And it will… I just know it and can’t wait for it ;)
I know I sound a little chippy and over the top here – but you gotta understand – Life has not always been good to me! I’ve worked hard to have happiness in my life! I made choices that helped me create this happiness! Sometimes we don’t really realize that we can CHOOSE our happiness… I almost can’t explain this theory how my life got turned upside down – I would love to share everything because I know how so many people struggle with finding that little thing called *bliss* at the end of the day!
One beautiful thing I have learned in the last few years, going through a rough illness, career and marriage slump is that I really truly learned to Love the Journey! Because it’s true, there is no finish line! It’s not a race, it’s not a competition, it’s not a rehearsal for something better – this is it people!! This is life… So learn to enjoy this journey you’re on…
Little things make such a difference, I pause and take it in. I smile to myself in the mirror. I sing in the car. I am honest with myself and speak my mind and I listen. And I stop time with the biggest emergency simply to give a hug or a kiss. That is what I do. That is my life and my journey. I don’t do let’s-wait-and-see – I make it happen… I make happiness happen… and for once I can say I deserve this.
I think we all deserve pure happiness. But sometimes we sort of forget who’s in the driver’s seat. We expect to receive it in a little box with a bow. We expect to have someone read our mind and do as we’d like. We expect it to be right around the corner. Guess what? Happiness is not found there… it is found only inside you. It’s inside your heart and your mind and your mouth – because happiness also comes out of the words you speak…
So how do I Love the Journey of life? I prioritize people not things… I make time for my loves and do crafts, make pancakes and brew fresh coffee on request. I find joy in putting together a healthy meal because I know it will feed and nourish my family… I stop and enjoy the view from my window and sip on my tea and savour that moment of peace in my heart. And everyday I appreciate what I have – I live in full gratitude and that is how I love my journey of life.
Do share: How do you Love the Journey of Life?
i get so caught up in my to-do lists sometimes i forget to focus on the people and the moments. thank you for this reminder :) xox
Love this Ella! It’s taken me time to create a life of happiness too but like you I’ve also learnt that it’s the little things that count. Acknowledging these makes all the difference. I too often forget that I’m in charge of this life and that we get back what we put in :D