Happiness for me right now is reflecting on a fun weekend….
A belated b-day pour moi (because we were in Bahamas last weekend) so hence the delay….
I like delays like that – makes me feel a lil’ special for a lil’ longer ;)
On sunday, we had a bbq with just our family.
It was perfect.
The perfect september weather where it’s a perfect mix of summer and fall
warm enough for summer clothes but comfortable to sit in a gentle breeze without the heat and humidity of summer.
I love days like this…
especially when they are spent with my favourite people.
I was also surprised with a box of the most delicious desserts
from my favourite gluten-free and vegan bakery ~ courtesy of my sister!
This girl knows how to make me happy! ;)
On saturday we cleaned. cleaned. cleaned the house
and rewarded ourselves with a dinner out in our favourite spot :
a fish-and-chips take-out, a blanket and a grassy spot by the lake
seems to be our tradition we say hello and goodbye to our warm season.
Overall…. a nice quiet weekend filled with great people, great food,
hugs and kisses and l.o.v.e.
What’s making you happy right now?
The sunflowers look so beautiful! I wish I have access to plenty of radiant sunflowers here in Buenos Aires, I guess not! Looks like a fantastic belated birthday outing – love the B + W series. Sunshine in Buenos Aires is making me happy, for the past two weeks, it was windy, gusty, gloomy and pouring random rain.