It really truly is Pure Happiness for me to show you these photos from our trip to Montreal (finally).
It’s a lot of photos – this is not all of them and I will try to share a few more good posts but for now this is it – a big Big teaser – a Montreal overdose – our favourite vacation spot this time with the kiddo, and it was Incroyable! ;)
what’s not to love,
great family fun
a road trip too! ;)
great culture, art and fun
amazing food – more to come on that!
hitting the Just for Laughs weekend festival with amazing evening entertainment – amazing!
crème glacée (this is an inside joke, but the ice cream was great too! ;)
a wonderful stay at the Westin
an eager very excited little girl who will be learning french! ;)
and a flying girl – did you see that photo shoved in there? yup, a flying SuperGirl alright!
What else can I say… J’adore Montréal!
More pics to come ~ stay tuned ;)
And please do share what is making you happy right now???
Wow, these photos! I haven’t been up to Montreal in years, but it’s a city I love. Thank you for this little dose of beauty and happiness :)
Lovelovelove! Beautiful shots of your beautiful family. xoxo