Happy 2013! A fresh start. A fresh outlook. A new YOU! Yes, it’s possible!
Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? If so, what are they? Do you want to eat healthier? Do you want to exercise more and get fit? Do you make a list or just go with your instincts? Are you overwhelmed by these changes you set for yourself? Were you successful in the past years and reach your goal or do you quit eating less sugar once the Valentine’s Day chocolates appear on the store shelves….?
Well, I’m here to tell you that this year ~ Yes, you can succeed with your New Year’s Resolutions!
And I’ve put together only 3 little tips that will make you reach your goal! Ready?
1. Visualize what you want!
Visualizing what you want first will help get what you want! Really! You can do this in your head by devoting a few seconds to acknowledging how you are now, paying attention to how you feel – is it anxiety, is it sadness are you already set negatively that you won’t be able to do it? Just let those feelings get wrapped around you – it’s good to be in touch with your emotions and don’t ignore them.
Now close your eyes… and think about what you want to achieve. If it’s loosing weight or getting a firmer body – see your body transformed into that vision. You know – weight loss isn’t only about looking better ~ by eating healthier and changing your lifestyle to include more physical activity will improve your health too. So when you visualize a slimmer you, pay attention that the person you’re visualizing also looks healthier and happier too ;)
Open your eyes and tell yourself You’re Ready! Say “I CAN DO THIS”! Repeat daily or even several times daily.
If your goal is to eat healthier ~ visualize your body more vibrant, naturally younger looking, with a glow on your face. You know you need those vitamins from fresh veggies and healthy foods – so next time you’re in the kitchen, open your fridge and visualize how you want your refrigerator stock to look! Does it need more natural vibrant colour from real food and less of packaging?
If your goal is to get more organized and live clutter free ~ visualize that closet all neat and clean! Is clutter getting to you ~ visualize your room with freshness and openness you once saw in on of those Pinterest pins! “I can do this”! Repeat daily.
2. Change your Surroundings!
If willpower would have been your superpower all along – you wouldn’t even need to make a New Year’s Resolution in the first place. But it turns out most of us struggle with willpower alone! Just talking to yourself isn’t going to do much. (In fact, it could be a spiralling effect downward to disaster if your inner voice starts to nag you and make you feel guilty of what you should and shouldn’t do)! That super-power my friends, needs help! Your Help! And that is to Change your Surroundings : your external factors : your environment that you’re a part of. A good supportive surrounding will help you create the path to getting your goals accomplished!
How can you apply this method of changing your Surroundings? Simple.
You want to eat healthier? Remove all the ‘bad’ foods from your kitchen and go out and purchase fresh new ‘good’ groceries. One example I would have is to stop eating Wheat of all shapes and forms including whole wheat. One way to do that is getting rid of what you have and purchasing more nutritious grains such as spelt bread or brown rice pasta or wild rice and quinoa. When you have these foods around you, next time you’re cooking you conveniently don’t have any bad choices around you, so you substitute your favourite recipes with healthier alternatives.
Need to add more vegetables to your diet? Having them conveniently around will make you use them up anyway as they can’t linger around forever (unless you want to throw good food aka money away). Load up more vegetables into pasta and other dishes you prepare. A plate loaded with vegetables isn’t only better for you but it just looks prettier and makes you happier too! ;) For extra convenience, purchase frozen organic foods where you can steam up something in a jiffy for those busy evenings or snow-in days.
A freshly stocked kitchen with healthier foods
is your key Surrounding
if getting healthier is your goal!
You want to work out more? A new workout outfit will get you looking fresh and excited about heading to the gym. Are you a DIYer and prefer to sweat it out at home. Create a space where it’s clean/ clutter free and open enough to have room to do your thing. A kit of dumpbells and other workout accessories will help you along to get inspired. Place them in an area that doesn’t clutter your room but one that you can see easily, like the inside of your closet. (if you happen to have a home guy : lucky! Also, going for a brisk walk or a jog even in the cold is amazing – and if you’re in a busy city, driving away and hitting some soothing trails might be the surrounding you need to make you feel better.
Need to declutter? Well, that’s your entire surrounding – you know what to do! It’s time to roll up the sleeves and get to work on creating more breathing room in your life.
3. Take Small Steps!
All this doing and changing can get overwhelming! Don’t overdo it. Breathe. Get excited about the changes and just apply yourself one Small Step at a time.
You want to choose one top area of your life you want to improve and tackle only one small part of it. Thinking small but staying committed will actually help you along to pull through and not only reach your New Year’ Resolution goals ~ but help you reach new accomplishments that will set the stepping stones for a new lifestyle and a new YOU!
Changing our habits is essentially what we’re after. If you neglect them, they will neglect your way of life. Controlling your habits will help you create the life you want for keeps! Small Steps will get you where you want to go… one baby step at a time… you’ll reach your SUCCESS!
1. Visualize what you want!
2. Change your Surroundings!
3. Take Small Steps!
Keep reminding yourself of these 3 tips for success : apply them to all areas of your life and even relationships and watch your life transform. New Year’s Resolutions will get crossed off with Success. And YOU will transform into a Healthier and Happier person you deserve to be!
Do Share : What are your own personal New Year’s Resolutions?
How do you plan to apply these 3 tips to tackle your list?
I would love to hear from you about what has worked for you and if you have any tips of your own.
Happy New Year my friends!
♥ Ella
Great post! The last tip is definitely relevant to me. I’m trying not to make resolutions per say. I have decided to dedicate the entire year to making a small change each week to improve my health and fitness. Hopefully by next January, I’ll have made huge strides! :)
This is great Ella! Happy New Year!