It’s another Monday my friends, it’s another chance to start the week off on a good happy and PRODUCTIVE note. But watch out, chances are that little voice inside your head will start tempting you in the wrong direction. BE BRAVE. STAY FOCUSED. Keep to your promises, timelines, ‘to do’ lists!
I just read this motivating and even entertaining article on PROCRASTINATION, and it mentions some interesting studies done about the reasons why we make certain decisions and why we put the harder to achieve things for later. Don’t most of us have ‘exercising / eating healthy’ as one of our New Year’s resolutions? Pretty much every year! Uhm, I thought so. Well maybe this year, you won’t even need this as a resolution – because YOU CAN START NOW! (let me interrupt to point out that I am typing in between lifts from my ab crunches ;) ok, you caught me ;)
The article has an interesting perspective at looking at you as the Now You and the Future You – and the choices we make now that reward us more in a short term like buying candy at the checkout (we prefer those rewards way more ;), but the good choices we want to make, that will benefit us positively in the long run – we keep putting off. Well not anymore!
It’s time we took control of WHAT WE WANT and used our time wisely!
(ok, reading my blog doesn’t count ;)
WHAT WILL YOU TACKLE TODAY, TOMORROW, THIS WEEK, that you’ve been putting off?
(obviously as you now know, for me it’s those ab crunches! Ok, I must get those invoices done too! )
interesting links:
I am a definate list maker. Sometimes I make lists in my sleep. I get a lot of satisfaction crossing things off my “to do list”. If I don’t make a list, it just doesn’t get done. As for my New Years resolutions, I’m not really sure what I would do differently but I’ll have to give that some thought. Thanks for the great post!
Queen of procrastination! I can always come up with a good reason for it though. hehehe
Happy Monday. Hope your motivation stays with you all week!
oh dear. i was sitting here sipping coffee on a monday morning.. thanks for the kick in the pants ;)
have a great week.
I’m just waiting to go home at my kids from work now, and I enjoyed you post a lot! I’m good at procrastination, though, but I don’t have much time to do it :)). Yeah, I know how it sounds… See you around,
I’m already up and at ’em this morning, but I can’t say that’s the way my mornings always are. Thanks for the reminder. Maybe I need this posted somewhere on the wall. . .
What a great morning bootcamp!
I love it :)
I have spent most of my life procrastinating but I feel that I am in control of that now.
The thing I need to learn is not to have so much on my to do list.
Wishing you a very productive week.
I needed this reminder :) Thank you! And I hope your week is fulfilling and productive!
Ella, it was so nice of you to write this post just for me ;)
(I could be the world’s best procrastinator. Off to read that article. thanks!)
ok, I’m back, after having read that article. I am totally going to protect myself from future-me from now on! ;)