Is it just another manic Monday for you? – – or maybe a day where you can get your act together and make it a GREAT DAY! Remember a great day leads to a GREAT WEEK!
So what’s on your MONDAY MOTIVATION list?
(remember my new series, I did pretty good and I hope you kept up with your list as well. I thought I would add to the fun a series of photographs I took to make our Monday more colourful ;D So enjoy my latest shots… of butterflies – of course ;D
Improve many areas of your life by simply writing things down. This simple trick is very powerful. It will focus your attention, keep track of life, improve your memory and make you satisfied and motivated to accomplish more things in life! Read more…
Knowing this – think about your list of 5 things you want to accomplish this week. It can be a list of 5 things you plan to finish today or take the rest of the week (until Friday) to do it. It’s like 1 item per weekday ;) Ready….
- work on a catalogue for a client (again – it’a a large job)
- get (or make) something for my husband’s birthday this week
- go for a speed walk every day this week
- send a card and photos to family overseas
- make something fun with my daughter – dessert (for daddy) or craft project
Add your list to comments below and check back and keep us updated on your progress ;) Everyone is invited to take part – in fact, you should take part ;)
Good Luck and Have an Awesome Monday!
P.S. to get my list in motion, I have to get to back to my ‘day job’ ;)
I will be back on Wednesday with photos from our butterfly trip ;)
You have got a wonderful list there-especially the birthday planning. I am working on my chickens (yes still), decluttering my kitchen, decorating, playing with the babe, walking outside more. Thanks for the motivation!
This helped me last week and I think I actually did achieve all the items on my list.
This week I want to 1) make butter (because I have some cream I need to use up), 2) relax a bit with my family who are visiting from the UK 3) go to the library 4) Take a walk in the woods 5. Do something crafty.
Thanks for keeping me focused!
Angela, Julia I hope your week will be great!
Ok, I plan to:
1. eat a salad everyday
2. finish reading my book
3. clean up in closets
4. do a craft project with my daughter
Thanks. ;D
this is so great. thanks so much for the inspiration. i keep lists and i am always amazed when i go back and look at them – the things i’ve written down i almost always do. it’s simple and like you said…so POWERFUL. love your photos/design!
I love all the butterflies, how beautiful!! I love your list for the week. You are right, lists not only help you remember, they motivate you more to action. :-)