Hello my friends! I hope you all had a lovely weekend ;)
We’re down to the last few good ones, weather wise and I do try to get out and enjoy the warmth as much as I can. I bet you are too – unless you’re in the Southern parts ;) and for that I will be forever jealous. Mind you, I still do enjoy 4 seasons and I do enjoy welcoming a new wardrobe and there’s no better season for fashion than fall – – no? With all the layering, a scarf thrown on…. ah I love it! Still, I have not put my flip flops away – – you know that when I do the summer is forever gone…..
All this rambling about the seasons….
Ella, come on. Cut to the chase! Why is this post about making your dreams come true???? Enough already. Just get on with it!!!
I will, I will. But first let me just remind you why something like this would be making my dreams come true. I love my home. Period. I would much rather get new throw cushions for my sofa than a pair of earrings. I would much rather eat a can of beans for dinner than go to a restaurant and splurge on a new serving dish with that money instead.
I do love my home. It’s the the ‘perfect home’. It’s our first house and most likely not out last, but we do see ourselves living here for the next 5-10 years. I try to put a lot of love and personality along with great design *) into it as much as possible and as our budget only allows. We love the layout of this home, it’s a bungalow which is great for a work-at-home + stay-at-home mom as the traffic flow is easy throughout. (making it too easy for toys to spread like wildfire everywhere – but I already got used to that).
One thing I did not loooovvvee from day 1, was our kitchen! And that, my ladies, is exactly why we’re making my dreams come true……..
I’m getting a new KITCHEN!!!
So it’s a long way to go ;) ha ha. We are one full week into it and there was a bit of progress….. I will have a full report on the details of this messy operation later on this week.
Special thanks to our friend from Hummer Demolition. If you’re in the area, and are thinking of a reno – this guy is a machine ;)
So for now, things are moving along but slowly as we (ok, um, my husband) is doing most of the work himself. He is not a handy-man type of a guy so we’ll see how he copes with this job along the way. We might pull the plug and hire some people along the way (we have contacts standing my ;). For now though, I’m feeling ecstatic and soooo grateful for my sweetheart. I already declared that this is my early Birthday gift and my early Christmas gift – for the next 10 years ;)
So this is why we’re making my dreams come true! (um, yes mine, not his – I will explain the last 6 months of compromising as well – but another time ;)
Are you curious about what the new kitchen will look like? I will have a story board for you to see very soon ;) One thing’s for sure, we are on a very tight budget – so I’m working on some magic spells to make that happen….
Wish us luck.
Have you survived a kitchen reno yourself and are still sane and stayed being married?
Any words of advice are totally welcomed ;) xo
Congrats on the kitchen redo. I would love to hear about the 6 months of negotiation. I could maybe get some tips!
Thanks Angela ;)
What I should really do is write my version of the compromising – and my husband should write his ;)…..
Or maybe NOT, as that would certainly be a great eye opener that I’m extremely stubborn and just a little insane ;)
But aren’t we all when we have a creative vision!!! Nothing will stop in our way ;) LOL
…. or maybe that’s just me ;) ha ha
That is a major renovation! I can’t stand renovations and all the mess that goes with it, but they are so worth it in the end. Can’t wait to see your story board!
It certainly is MESSY and that’s just getting started….
I also can’t wait to see my story board ;D ha ha ;)
ah, well I read these posts in reverse order, so when I read your storyboard post, I didn’t realize you had already started!
We renovated our kitchen about 4 years ago, by ourselves, too. It went pretty smoothly, seeing as my husband is a carpenter, but it became a real hassle not having a sink or counters. We moved out fridge to our dining room and cooked lots of things on a hot plate. A total mess. But I love the kitchen now, it’s exactly how we wanted it :)
(well, given our budget, anyway!) good luck!