We’re long-week-ending today. The weather isn’t all that great this weekend anyway, so the day will be filled with actual LABOUR around the house.
Today I plan to:
- organize my drawers or at least my desk top (it’s begging as I type this ;(
- vacuum
- organize the storage room (maybe it will actually turn into a kitchen it once used to be :)
- peel and cut a box full of apples
- then do something with those apples (maybe apple sauce would be lovely to kick start fall)
- complete a TREE wall decal in my daughter’s bedroom and actually mark off her height (on her belated birthday tradition) on the tree trunk (the tree will also be her growth chart)
- teach my daughter to PICK UP ALL TOYS AFTER HERSELF WHEN SHE’S DONE PLAYING WITH THEM – – if you have kids you’re silently telling me – ‘that will never happen sista – but g’d luck’
- make some cut out toys for my daughter (the tons of gifts she got for her birthday already seem boring to her) there’s nothing that beats paper and scissors – OK maybe ROCK
- find some time to catch up on my latest novel (yes I’ve joined the bandwagon) although I hate that now it’s Julia’s face all over it. (I love Julia but I prefer the excitement of where your imagination takes you to sculpt an unfamiliar face in a fictional story…) that’s right, the book I’m reading is Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
Now I’ve bolded some of these ACTION VERBS – ouch! Let the LABOUR BEGIN! Here’s an image I love that will help me along the way ;) lol
Are you relaxing or LABOURING this holiday monday??? (Or maybe it’s not even a long weekend where you are, so there’s really no option, huh?) Well here’s to a HAPPY MONDAY wherever and whatever you’re up to – Just Do It! Is my motto for today ;D
I will be back here on Wednesday. Look forward to another giveaway happening this week ;) Have a HAPPY day!
lol. so much for you to do I see.
I love this image – a real motivator, huh?
Good luck with teaching your daughter to pick up after herself ;)
mine is 15 and still doesn’t :) lol
You are too funny. I admire your energy and commitment. I spent part of the day cleaning out our bathrooms with this milder cleaner called Earthworm. It is truly awesome. It’s enzymes, no crazy fumes. I love it.
We’re still working on cleaning up after ourselves. Most of the children are fine with. For one of them though,the way she reacts sometimes, you’d think I was telling her to reshingle the roof in 100 degree heat or something.