I will have bad days. I just have to keep reminding myself that there simply are good days and bad days. Saturday was a good day. Sunday was a good day. Today was a bad day.
But the good news is that Today is almost over and tomorrow I can start fresh and maybe things will go better and I will have a good day.
Saturday turned into a crazy fun day off for me pretty much most of the day. By ‘day off’ I mean I had the whole empty house to myself with no real ‘to do’ lists. It was a rainy, or actually stormy day – perfect to just kick back and do nothing…. Those days never really happen anymore – but it happened on this rainy awesome Saturday. I even… get this… turned on a movie in mid afternoon and had take out Teriyaki on the couch! Crazy, right??? I know this was a very weird day, I did so many things I never do anymore, like the chick flick and blast music throughout the house, and tended to a crazy craft project (which is making a gazebo cover – more on that once it becomes somewhat successful ;), and worked a bit on my photography website. Then at around 6pm I got all guilty I guess, had some dark chocolate and took out the vacuum… Still, a pretty darn good day if you ask me.
Sunday was also amazing. The perfect spring/summer weather and my sister came over with her son – while our husbands went on an all day fishing trip. We went for a mad walk with the kiddos around our bike trails. Our trails are amazing, they really never end, but eventually we made it back home after I don’t even know how many hours. It was an exhausting but great walk. We finished off the day with a ton of gazebo work which included getting on and off chairs, ladders and the table. I felt tired at night but still pretty good.
Monday was the bad day. The minute I woke up, I knew it would be a bad day. I could hardly wake up and get off the bed. Morning chores were a drag and a playground visit was great but for my daughter. I kept thinking – just don’t fall – don’t fait or – scream! A couple of hours into our outdoor fun, I tell my daughter we need to go home now – she laughs and runs from me. She’s a stubborn little kid, I should point that out but this time I just didn’t have the patience to deal with this. Eventually I asked about 10 times so that the asking turned into ordering – we walked home with her squealing and me pulling her hand firmly.
At home, after lunch I fell asleep on the couch while she played. That’s not good. It’s not good parenting I know. I just felt so exhausted and tired – from what – sure there is still a bit of Myasthenia Gravis issues to deal with, maybe it was a flare up. Maybe I did too much yesterday with the long walk and the climbing on chairs and ladders. Maybe the tantrums that my daughter shows are leaving me in pure exhaustion. Maybe it was just a bad day.
I know I will have bad days.
I just have to keep reminding myself that they might appear here and there and try to wreck me up, it sure worked this time but I’ll get back on the wagon again tomorrow. Here’s hoping ;) Oh another rainy day with a chick flick would repair my whole body and mind ;)
Do you have bad days?
((hugs)) i am sure tuesday will be better…
oh thanks hon for cheering my up….
I hope the weather will still remain perfect for tomorrow ;)
honey- it will be better! and it will be worse! bad days come and go… hopefully this one bad day you had goes VERY far away and does not come back any time soon… it is not invited!!! don’t put so much pressure on yourself to do so much. being a mom is a full-time job in and of itself- and you are an absollluttteeelyyyy amazing mom!!! xo
Oh yes, my dear, we all have our share of those days! This is now your “tomorrow” so I hope it’s a fabulous day for you!!! xo
Oh, yes, I have bad days, too. But when a day starts taking a turn for the worse, I try to remind myself that no day is going to be “good” from beginning to end, and just because things are going badly doesn’t mean I can’t turn them around. You see, I am sort of an all-or-none perfectionist; I have a tendency to want my good days to be ALL good, and if things start to go sour then (in my mind) the whole day is ruined. I wrote a post about this very thing a while back here, so instead of rewriting it all I’ll just post the link — but don’t feel obligated to read it! http://themakinglife.wordpress.com/2010/11/18/redefining-a-good-day/
Thanks Sara. This was a fantastic post to read. I could not agree more ;)
Ah, bad days. I have those ocassionally where I just can’t seem to get going in the morning and it just carries through the day. Then by 8:00pm I am pretty much passing out on the couch while the little one is trying to talk or play with me. But its all part of life. Unless you have all bad days, well that would be cause for concern!
Bad days?! Oh, heck yeah! I figure we’re all good so long as the ratio of good to bad weighs heavier on the good side. When it starts to tilt the other way, we have to take a good hard look at what’s going on to make it that way and change.