It’s been a while since my update for Myasthenia Gravis treatment. So I though I would touch on that topic for a change. It’s been 2 1/2 years since my first MG symptoms began, 6 months since I took things into my own hands and started cleanses and took naturopathic medicine, and 4 months since my Candida Cleanse. Everything I did – and there were times it was not easy – seems to have worked! Seriously, I feel great, I’m only down to 2 Mestinon pills a day – that is a gigantic leap from my 10-12 pills I used to take!
When you think about it, six months is nothing in a lifetime especially if you have health risks that make you loose control of your life. I was going through a difficult time, (to get an idea, you can read my letter here), and it took a lot of courage and dedication to go with these treatments. The treatments that I’m referring to are not severe at all, it’s really just a few herbal supplements and some diet changes. I think it’s the DIET CHANGE that throw most people off and they realize they can’t do it. The attitude here is that YOU CAN DO IT! I did it and I am now jumping with joy (literally since with MG I was not able to jump – or even walk for that matter).
We get so committed to our habits of eating, that to alter anything at all becomes a real struggle. Plus, the rewards are not immediate – you need complete dedication and patience to see the results in months time. we are used to instant gratification and it’s easier to pop a few extra pills and cover up all the symptoms. the real healing needs to happen within. The body and mind needs to be healed and strengthened together.
My solutions are not promises but hope – I found my own way to listen to my body and I urge everyone to do the same. I may be focusing on Myasthenia Gravis, but I understand that the same principles affect all other ailments such as: Allergies, High Blood Pressure, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, and so many more.
There are no risks in experimenting with a diet change like the Anti-Candida Diet. But be careful, WARNING SIGNS are: slimmer body, feeling better about yourself, improved sex life, having more energy, looking radiant. – – – – Do I have your attention now? Even if you don’t have a serious health problem to worry about, a cleanse like this will do wonders to your body and mind and may prevent from many monsters attacking you in the future.
There are many great sources with thorough information about this, so I will not get into it myself but give you very valuable links and resources. The rest is up to you.
What is Candida Albicans
The connection with Leaky Gut Syndrome (this treatment was miraculous for me)
Some interesting facts:
Yeast infection and fungi in Americans has been estimated by the experts to be present in 85% of the population and goes largely undiagnosed, especially in men and children…
This all too common infection in American women caused them to spend over a half a billion dollars for treatment of this fungus in 2002 alone. Most of this was spent on over the counter medications which generally are effective as a temporary solution…
Yeast infection affects up to 85% of men, they usually suffer in the form of digestive problems and, later in life, prostate problems…
- Maybe you suffer from bloating, indigestion, skin problems, burning and chronic itching, constipation, loose stools, or depression and mood swings
- How about high cholesterol, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, asthma, allergies, arthritis, crohns disease, cfs, or fibromyalgia?
- Fungi, candida, and yeast infections often produce these common symptoms and diseases along with many others…
Dr. M. G. Rinaldi says, “Given the right immunocompromised host, virtually any fungus can kill a human being.”
Do I miss cake, a drink, or pizza at a party? Yes of course, but I’ve learned that I can’t have it all – it’s either my health or the party food. My cravings happen in waves, due to the weather, social gatherings, or possibly monthly cycles – I don’t really know – but I am completely aware of my food intake. I calculate (mentally) how many servings of certain foods I’ve had in a day. If I’ve done well for a few days in a row, I like to reward myself with a little extra serving of fruit, a few cookies or some dark chocolate. But I watch for signs that I over do it – if for example, we have a get together and there’s lots of cake left over, I pack it up and give it to the neighbours or I go to a friend’s house and bring “dessert”. Just so it’s not tempting me to give in.
I have noticed, first hand, that a bit of sugar, wine, vinegar foods really flare up my symptoms the next day or so. That’s why I completely understand that this is what is bringing me a cure for my MG. I can finally carry my daughter, smile for pictures, chew and swallow food…. all the little things that a ‘normal’ person takes for granted – that Myasthenia Gravis stole from me – well now, finally I can enjoy a ‘normal’ life myslef.
If you are suffering from Myasthenia Gravis youself, than please leave a comment with your email so we can be in touch. I hope you can go on this healing journey with me and we can prove to the MG Foundation that this can be easily treated naturally. Just give it 6 months, you will have nothing to loose and possibly regain your life back.
Good Luck and remember that you’re the only one capable of CHANGE.
This is great information Ella. I bet a lot of people don’t look at their health problems relating to yeast. I have heard of it but I have never done a cleanse or the diet change. I think I will try though.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, enjoyed the reading.
I like this blog…great info. Will keep it as a favorite. Is there a facebook page?
I suffer from MG. Please e-mail me, help me do what you did…
Hi Alexis,
Thanks so much for touching base with me. Sometimes I’m frustrated that people are not responding to my suggestions and just leave everything up to their doctors. MG is just not studied enough to have 1 solution – medically it’s all a bunch of theories. Have you noticed that people that are even on high medical doses of prednisone and immunosuppressants STILL
have problems. They still have MG symptoms + now a bunch of other health
The goal here is to fix the body from the inside which will heal the
symptoms on the outside.
What helped me may not help you, so I can’t make promises BUT it won’t
make you worse and it’s a very good chance that it will relieve your
I hope you realized that a lot of this therapy is based on diet. Are you
ready to avoid certain foods? I have to tell you it’s very mental and at
times extremely difficult. But the foods you do eat more of are
wonderfully nutritious and you won’t be starving. It’s just introducing
new habits and getting rid of the old ones.
This website will be a great guide for you:
Sign up for the newsletters – they are great.
You will need a few supplements which I can tell you what I take. I’m sure
you can find the same or similar products where you live. Before you get
all your supplements, the diet is essential.
If you can, start today. Don’t be alarmed but it’s avoiding all these foods:
sugar in any form (fruits, juice, pop) yeast breads (even pizza dough),
dairy, vinegar dressings/ foods, mushrooms, peanuts, bananas, corn,
alcohol, coffee, black tea. With meat it’s confrontational, some say to
avoid meat altogether – but some sources say that meat is fine as long as
it’s wild. The meats we get at grocery stores is filled with hormones,
antibiotics and it’s just not quality meat. Avoid that. If you want to eat
meat, you need to find a butcher or a certified organic, farm raised meats
that you can substitute. I just went with being a vegetarian. So I’m in
between being a vegetarian and vegan as I don’t eat any dairy products but
I do still eat eggs (free range), butter, and some fish (mostly small
sardines – definitely no tuna.) Also if you can throw this in there – NO
wheat flour. Try getting gluten free flours only and don’t eat a lot of
Essentially it’s a 3-6 month detox. ;) Once you’re doing it – you will
feel better, look healthier, be stronger….
So my new friend, what do you think of this? Do you think you can do this?
I really suggest to just give it a shot for 3 months. After 3 months you
are ok to introduce some foods.
As to what TO EAT – if you’re confused… I can share some ideas with you.
Once you’re used to it, you don’t crave things as much and there are
rewards you can have – select and in small doses ;)
Let me know if you want to give this diet change a shot. If you do decide
you want to try it – please follow the rules and don’t binge on the foods
from the NO list. Otherwise, you’ll just be going in circles and you’ll
never know if something helped you or not. It’s your decision but you’d
need to focus on getting better and realize that it’s these foods that
make you sick. Mentally prepare yourself for this change – and keep
visualizing yourself free of MG symptoms.
If you want to do the diet, than you also need to change some lifestyle
factors too. I’ll leave that for another email though.
What is your lifestyle like? How are you emotionally? Do you sleep well?
How are you MG symptoms – are you able to walk well, drive – do you have
double vision?
Like I said at the beginning of this email, it’s from the inside out – we
need to look at your whole body and it’s stressors and fix things. Are you
still with me? ;)
Let me know your thoughts on this ‘cleanse’. If you’re ready – Start Today!
Please just realize that I’m not a doctor so my suggestions are from
experience only – you should always check with your doctors. I wouldn’t
want to suggest something that would bring you harm.
I’ll be waiting for your response. Good luck. Ella.
I am 76 ye old years old and have been suffering from Myasthenia from last 16 years. The candida thing you have mentioned appears to be the cause of my disease too as I could link to few occasions. I would be intereste in knowing how you went through the candida treatment. God Bless.
Ella, the candida thing is also confirmed in the book “The Yeast Connection and the woman health” where it is mentioned that many myasthenics have found great relief after taking nystatin. one could go through the link
Though I have not been able to get this book in India, you can go through it. Best Wishes.
It’s so nice you found my blog and left these comments.
Sorry to hear you have MG also, and for 16 years – wow – how are you doing with your symptoms?
So good of you to consider Candida, my life is completely different in the last 4 months – although I still have a long way to go.
I am treating candida naturally. I wanted to take some nystatin, but my doctor suggested I do a test for yeast first, then – would you believe he didn’t do a referral for it. And when I came back to see him he was all stupid that he doesn’t know anything about it – even though that’s the reason I went to see him. Anyway, it’s really hard to find a good doctor, that’s why I leave things in my own hands ;)
My candida diet avoids a lot of foods. For example: sugar in all forms, (I now eat some fruit though), yeast in breads, dairy, vinegar foods, alcohol, mushrooms, bananas, peanuts, I also removed wheat lately. Also, I removed eggs from my diet for two weeks and I want to see if I get symptoms from them. (but eggs are ok on Candida). Plus I’m a vegetarian.
I also take these supplements: grapefruit seed extract w/ oregano oil to kill yeast, l-glutamine for leaky gut syndrome, probiotics to rebuild friendly bacteria. And other ones that I mentioned here:
It’s really hard at first and you mentally crave all these foods you can’t have and all that sugar. But, after 3 months I felt much better and didn’t have a lot of cravings. I now, six months into it, bend the rules sometimes ;) then I quickly regret them ;)
I do believe this is the link to MG. I don’t have many people on board, even if I say my symptoms improved. If you do try this, it would be great and I would love to see if you get better.
I also try to add regularly black salt, cardamom, I eat a lot of millet, Since you’re in India, you would be familiar with these first two spices. I am enjoying the Indian cuisine so much lately, and even have falafel batter in the fridge to make tomorrow ;)
Thank you so much for stopping by. I sincerely wish you all the best with your health and well being.
Let’s stay in touch so we can get better together.
PS. How did you find me by the way, through DS?
i am 33 yr old male, athletic and fit all my life -have had ocular mg symptoms for 2 yrs. been through every holistic, naturopathic, tcm protocol there is. spent thousands of dollars. i cant even begin to list everything i’ve done. leaky gut from candida is most likely the cause of my MG. when i’m on the diet i see improvement but its tough to stick with as i travel a lot for work. my symptoms increase within 2 minutes of eating. eyelids become heavy and double vision increases. i have ocular symptoms only and after 2 yrs i believe i’m staying ocular so i’m blessed. there is no doubt in my mind that the problem lies in the digestive tract. i’m committed to the candida diet now and i’m waiting for fivelac in the mail. i’ll try to give an update if i can but i’m super busy. i just wanted to mention this to anyone else searching for answers. if you havent already spent the money i have on alternative doctors then dont. you have to do it for yourself. start with a good colon cleanse and then a strict candida diet and supplementation. there may be another underlying cause such as pesticides, thyroid issues, parasites but i believe cnadida and/or other bacteria are the real problem. start with candida then work on full body detoxs like metals liver parasites. also make sure you sweat! i see great improvement when i get 3 good sweats in a week. sweat the toxins out through your skin. i hear dry sauna is the best if you can get to one. get healthy again
oh by the way – i take no medication. no mesitnon, no prednisone. one of the top ocular neurologists in the country was perplexed that i was able to put two flare ups into remission within a week each time with no prednisone the first time and a very small dose the second time. no flare ups in a year just very mild symptoms of slow eyelids in the evening and double vision in extreme left or right gaze. he wanted to perform a thymectomy anyway!!! one of the most invasive surgeries next to brain surgery! “spontaneous remission” he called it. i call it a disciplined shift in my diet and stress management skills. take control of your situation and educate yourself.
Thank you! Thank you!
I am so happy for you that you also took things into your own hands. Way to go. I’m curious to know what your specific restrictions are? I am on the border of vegan and gluten free (I still eat some fish occasionally and I’m fine with rye flour, as well as kamut and spelt).
I have also learned that cheating on my diet will get me no where and I pay the hard way right after I have the typical ‘party food’. I have now learned to control my urges – it’s NOT worth it and I now have clear evidence that this food makes me sicker. So no more cheating and I’ve been much better. I still have bad days sometimes, though. For those I rely on a strong dose of grapefruit seed extract (and/ or oregano oil) and then a good probiotic and I’m back to normal ;)
Well, thanks so much for stopping by. I have tried convincing several MGers to try this route – but it seems like a wast of my time – and I’m not surprised. Food is so emotional and you can’t force anyone to just shift so drastically. At first I thought this type of diet was ridiculous – now I couldn’t be happier and I’m even playing around with some raw foods ;)
Thanks James for stopping by sharing your experience.
I wish you tons of good health and happiness!
Big Hugs. ella.
Dear Ella,
I am 47, diagnosed with MG in January 2011, but I’m sure I have had it for at least 12 years with mostly mild ocular/bulbar symptoms. I also have SLE, Inflammatory Bowel Disease with occasional ulcerative lesions, Raynaud’s and some other symptoms not explained by a specific named disease including dynamic mechanical allodynia and tinnitus. I’m pretty sure all my medical problems are autoimmune related.
Like you posted, I miss “me” very much, too. As I read more and more of your postings, I just felt like you so eloquently described my most secret hopes and fears – feelings which I had not been able to even understand myself until I absorbed, thought about and processed what you had written! My sullen, edgy avoidance of my good memories became “GRIEF”. My poor husband’s attempts to inspire positive thinking with recollections of better times had often been met with my tears or anger – because I’m not ready to fondly remember my life yet – I want to live it!!!
I feel like I’m trapped in an old, feeble, floppy, 97 year old bodysuit and “I” want out! My physical body used to get “me” to work at one full time job and two small home based businesses, dog-walking, hiking, camping, swimming, yoga, gardening, dancing badly, through all my hobbies, photography, astronomy, sewing, crafting, needlework, beading, reading, planning and executing lots of crazy themed back yard parties and elaborate practical jokes on my poor family and friends, etc. I’m sure you get the picture – if I was awake I was busy and if I was asleep I was dreaming about what I’d do tomorrow, lol.
As I became increasingly plagued with fatigue over the last 20 years or so, I would berate myself for not getting more done each day, not doing more strength training in my workouts, not doing enough cardio, etc. My body was failing me slowly but continually and I blamed myself for not working it hard enough and not keeping it in good enough shape to keep up with what “I” wanted it to do.
What a shock when I had my first dose of Mestinon and half hour later my head and arms and legs felt weightless and it took no maintained effort to stand in neutral posture or walk and carry bags of groceries without setting them down to rest my arms! I found out my failing body was ill, not lazy!
My MG progressed and I got weaker while the doctors and I played with my dose of Mestinon up and down, and then added immuno-suppressants, which led to more prescriptions to counteract their side effects, and still little or no improvement, followed by more weakness, and so on, until I was reduced to living in a reclining lift chair or a hospital bed when I had breathing trouble, resting and waiting for immuno-suppressants to kick in (they can take months to start working). After all that waiting and resting and before any improvement in my MG, the immuno-suppressant had to be stopped because it was damaging my liver.
The doctors then tried high dose IVIg (intravenous immunoglobulin) treatment for MG a couple of weeks ago and in the morning of the third day after treatment started, I could feel “me” inside, moving those shrunken, short muscles!!! My daily physio and cardio regime are so basic I would not have considered them exercise at all two years ago, but they are sure making me sweat now, lol!
I thank the people who donate blood every night for another day of “living” in my life. They have shared their healthy antibodies (donated in their blood plasma) and given me this wonderful gift of strength and energy. I will find a way to pay forward their gift! In the meantime, to all blood donors: THANK YOU FOR GIVING BLOOD!!!
My doctor now wants me to have my thymus removed because it is malfunctioning, but I really feel it only needs to be repaired. Diet and exercise have kept my autoimmune flares pretty well under control for many years, but something has gone awry in the past two years and I am confident that if I can figure out what ingredients to put into my body, it will be able to repair itself.
I really need some help to do this. As you may know, the IVIg will only last until those wonderful healthy donated antibodies are replaced by my own mixed up ones that are attacking my own body, so I’m in a bit of a race against time and my own body to get things in place in case I become extremely weak again without much notice, so…
I would like to set up meal planner for a six to eight week variety of gluten-free (and maybe Candida diet – first I’ve heard of it is here) healthy meals including recipes – and possibly weekly shopping lists for my husband to get the right ingredients – if I have enough time for that. If I become weak as before, my husband becomes the provider and preparer of food and I hate to bite the hand that feeds me, but left to his devices during my last sudden exacerbation of weakness, I gained 7.2 kg in the last 5 months from living on Ensure and too many heat-and-eat “healthy” meals! I thank my husband for doing his best, but my workout clothes look like they have a giant sausage stuffed into them!
I am committed to make any change in diet FOREVER to get my life back! Ella, I hope it is not too much to ask, but I was hoping you would provide me with a few days’ lists of what you eat for meals and snacks to make sure I’m on the right track with my meal planning. I have looked at some of the recipes on this site and I want to include all I have looked at so far – they all look good and feel so right to me!
Any helpful links you may know or additional info you may be able to provide or direct me to will be truly and deeply appreciated. Thank you for such a beautiful and helpful site and for your courage and committment to sharing your insightful experience.
Dear Brenda,
So wonderful to hear from you. I do apologize though that I did not respond sooner, but this week’s been rough as I actually got sick with the flu, so I will keep this short because it’s also late for now and respond to you at a later date with more details.
I just have to say, I’m sorry you have to deal with all this. Your story how the immuno-suppresants actually made you feel worse is very touching. From day one I had a strong gut feeling that I should not take that road, and I’m so glad I did, because you never really know if they will help you or make you worse. So sorry that happened to you.
I had a thymectomy done, so ‘by the book’ my doctor’s would say that the reason I feel better is because I had that surgery. However, I really do know that I control my symptoms with diet and lifestyle because if I should make some drastic changes, I do pay with bad symptoms almost immediately.
So if there’s not tumour showing up on your thymus, I would leave it if I had another chance to do it all over again. But research some more and really find the best option for you.
As for diet, of course, I would be happy to help you with that ;)
I do have to figure out a ‘gentle’ way of introducing these changes to you, and you would need to commit 100% to really see the benefits.
It’s not a quick fix, your body needs to heal and from the immuno-suppressants, poor diet choices, etc. this will take some time.
For now, I would recommend for you to cut back on sugar as much as possible and do not replace it with artificial sweeteners, no pop or juice either – just a good simple water with fresh squeezed lemon in it. This will be a good start to a detox to get your liver cleaned out. Your other beverages should be herbal teas such as peppermint, green tea, horse-tail, nettle – purchase those and drink even a few a day switching them up.
If loosing weight is also one of your priorities, drinking green tea even 4 cups a day will help you in that also.
Also, go outside, increase exercise, even a little daily will go a long way. Try to relax and feel good that you’re taking a road to recover and that there is hope and a better, healthier life for you.
I will look at some meal plans for you also, and I will post those as well on my blog.
Let’s stay in touch and let me know anything else that you want to share that might help you.
This message will be public on my blog, (for others to learn also) but if you do want to share something with me privately, you could email me as well at ella at lifeologia dot com.
Take care Brenda,
I’m so glad you commented here ;)
Big Hugs
Dear Ella,
I’m so sorry you got the flu – I understand how much harder it is for
myasthenics to get over viruses and how weak we may become when our immune
system gets actively making antibodies! Please make sure you don’t
over-exert taking on an extra task to help me, especially while fighting a
I have been experimenting for a few years trying to feel better by improving
my food choices and drinking water in favour of other beverages. Three
years ago I stopped eating beef, pork, poultry and most dairy foods because
they were just too hard to eat, chew, swallow or digest. I slowly
eliminated other foods which I noticed caused me digestive pain and
inflammation and started eating more and more food which was organic and
fresh. Friends and family quickly labeled me as a vegetarian and
consistently provided “vegetarian” meals for me, which were not very good.
Originally one of my main protein sources was soy until another friend who
happens to be a very health-conscious person pointed out to me that soy can
be one of the most processed foods available. I did notice a connection – I
did not feel very well (for days sometimes) after those “vegetarian chili”
or “meatless chicken burgers” people provided for me as their “token
vegetarian” meal guest, lol. Those meatless meals contain a lot of processed
food products! I tried endlessly to explain to those friends and family
that it was hard for me to chew, swallow and digest meat and eating
processed foods caused me a lot of digestive pain (although I didn’t know I
had MG at that time). I finally just begged people not to make anything
special for me and I always brought a bean salad of some variety to make
sure I got enough protein and then I ate what I could of the food they
provided. At home, I am very comfortable with what I eat, but I think I
feel the same anxiety as you when going out for meals to restaurants or to
dinner with family or friends because I don’t want to be a bother or have a
big fuss made – but I do want something to eat!
Since my MG diagnosis and taking Mestinon helped me chew, swallow and digest
food, I changed my diet a little. I now eat very small portions of grass
fed meat (still no white meat poultry – too dry for me) about four times per
week, no processed soy products like soy milk or tofu but I do eat soy beans
and added back some dairy with active cultures. I currently eat some whole
wheat foods and dairy, which may be causing some digestive pain, so my
doctor suggested a gluten-free diet because it helps many people with
auto-immune diseases even if they are not Celiacs. I only drink water
(about 2 litres per day, sometimes with lemon, lime or cucumber slices) and
two cups of organic coffee in the mornings which helps move my bowel. I
don’t eat much sugar, so I hope I won’t freak out giving it up, lol. I eat
about 3 servings of dark fruit per day with Greek or Balkan style yogurt and
about 10 – 12 servings of vegetables, raw or lightly steamed. I have had
low potassium in about half of my blood tests in the last 5 months, so I now
try to add a small baked potato about 4 or 5 times per week (usually lightly
mashed – skin on, with available fresh herbs and cottage cheese or Greek
yogurt, sea salt & fresh pepper).
I have had almost constant yeast infections for many years and after looking
at your postings and links about the Candida diet, I`m feeling maybe I
should be thinking and eating more toward that direction, also… back to
the drawing board, lol.
I went from being almost normally active and eating approx 1250 calories
daily to total physical inactivity and eating approx 1500 calories per day
(thanks to Ensure and those “healthy” microwave meals – my husband tends to
feed me like I’m a sick lumberjack, lol) for 5 months when I could barely
lift my head, hardly talk, and certainly not effectively complain about the
menu, lol! I definitely need to lose weight – mostly around my core area
and also hope to lose my puffy moon-face and camel hump from the Prednisone,
too. All part of the typical series of medication and treatment options and
failures which most MG patients apparently go through on the road to finding
something that will work for them. I am still tapering off Prednisone and
having to take Fosamex and some extra vitamin supplements and probiotics to
counter the Prednisone’s bad side effects.
Anyway, now I feel good and I’m getting stronger, exercising and stretching
very carefully and hoping that my current strength and vigour from the IVIg
will continue so I can convince my doctor that a thymectomy is not
necessary. I will proceed as long as possible eating healthily gluten-free
(and Candida diet) and trust that my body will respond favourably. Just in
case it doesn’t, I want to be prepared in as many ways as possible if the
horrible weakness returns and I am unable to prepare meals. One of those
ways to prepare will be setting up a meal plan which we can both enjoy and
if necessary, my husband will be able to continue our meal preparation by
himself – I’m just guessing that 6 to 8 weeks of meals will be enough
variety that we can cycle through or mix-’em-up over and over without
getting tired of the food.
I am sure it is possible to substantially put autoimmune disease into
submission or remission by leading a healthy life and keeping “moderation”
in the forefront of our minds. I have such a good gut feeling that you are
making an incredible journey of important discovery while you break a brand
new trail for us to follow. Your commitment to share your journey of
adventures will help millions of people!
Thank you so much for helping me (and many others too) with diet and
lifestyle advice and suggestions. I have found that with any modifications
to my diet in the past that advance preparation is a big factor in success
or failure. Failure always seemed to work its way in when there was too
little time or energy for preparation or missing ingredients for a recipe so
it didn’t turn out well. Your recipes are very elegant and easy to prepare
without complication. It is very generous of you to post the meal plans
(what a great idea!) – You do seem to have an endless supply of great ideas!
Thank you again for your lovely work and dedication to this site. It is a
very nice indulgence to visit and leave feeling thoughtfully inspired!
P.S. You certainly have my permission to post this as a comment or use any
part of it as you wish.