Hello friends. Just a quick hello and an update that I’m currently WORKING on a dream job come true ~ and since we’re not in a fairytale and dreams don’t just come true with a wave of a wand… I’m actually working to make things happen here.
Thanks to this blog and the wonderful people I ‘meet’ here, an opportunity knocked on my door and an exciting project is taking off ;) I will be able to share more about this in a few months, but for now, I just wanted to explain my absence and share with you a little piece of the great news.
Here on the blog, I’m not going away ;) I will be back to regular posts soon and I’ll add random posts as often as I can – to be in the loop, grab the RSS feeds and join the Facebook page to get updates of new posts. (I am very active on the Lifeologia Facebook page daily – so that’s a great place to be a part of. There’s already a great community of over 2,200 friends ;) So come and give us a Like! ;)
Here is a little taste of what’s coming soon to the blog:
I have a few amazing posts started about Sugar-Detox Part 2 (read the first Cut the Sugar, Sugar Challenge here to get started).
I also have exciting new recipes to share with you ~ that are so so good. Those will get posted sometime soon, I hope.
I will be sharing more fitness tips as well as I’m increasing my fitness level myself and feeling great about it!
Need help in starting off right, here are 5 Ways to Get Motivated to Work Out!
And there will be lots of other goodies ~ so stay tuned!
And keep working on your dreams coming true! True passion combined with hard work – does pay off!
Wishing you a great day!
♥ Ella
Oh I’m so thrilled for you and your exciting projects! What a beautiful start of the new year! You truly are an inspiration! :) *Hugs*