Hey everyone and welcome to Day 14 of the Cut the Sugar Challenge!
This week we’re getting into some really interesting topics so I hope you’re tuning in. We’ve discussed the power of nourishing food, the wide range of carbohydrates, and even how Candida plays a powerful role when you have intense sugar cravings.
All these points go together so well and they bring up my next focus perfectly : The importance of Probiotics!
What are Probiotics :
Probiotics are the good bacteria that your body needs to have a healthy digestive system.
When we’re born, we have the perfect microbiome but overtime certain foods, medications such as antibiotics, stress, as well as SUGAR mess up our perfect flora. We should always maintain our bodies and give it proper nourishment along with good bacteria but unfortunately we all slip and overtime our body gets neglected. I’ve done it – and it’s an unfortunate fact that so many of us do it – mess up our perfect body and we pay the price with failing health or just not being our 100% best!
When we stress our digestive tract – we slowly kill of the good bacteria and breed the bad bacteria. Too many
So to combat these lifestyle and possibly medical stressors – we need the good to win over the evil I mean bad! (bacteria)
Where to find probiotics:
- naturally fermented foods such as yogourt, kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi, miso paste as well as kombucha tea (however I don’t suggest it if you think you may have Candida)
- supplements
So it’s very easy to get a wide range of probiotics – there are numerous types of strands too so make sure you mix up the food sources or look for a supplement that has multiple strands and high potency.
How does taking Probiotics help with cutting out sugar?
You see, a healthy body begins with a healthy gut – sugar destroys the gut (and other organs) and the probiotics help to repair the damage and maintain a healthy body. It’s all connected. When you work on one area of improving your health, such as reducing refined sugar and adding probiotics you’ll see lots of improvement in other ways. For example, maybe it’s gastro issues you’ve had, but you’ll notice more energy too and maybe you’re clarity improves… that’s why it’s so amazing and important to take charge of your own body and health!!
So I hope you’re doing more than just cutting our sugar but are also nourishing your body and giving it some great TLC with Probiotics!
On a personal note – and not really related to sugar, I find that when I get a dose of probiotics, I almost instantly get this mental clarity! I feel focused and have more energy! It’s pretty brilliant! :)
For today’s challenge, think about the foods you eat, are they naturally rich in probiotics so that you have regular serving on a daily basis?
If not, maybe you need a good supplement?
Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments, I love to hear from other people’s experiences! We’re all so different but when it comes to wellness I feel like we’re all the same – which is why I think personal experiences speak so much vs advice you read about or even hear from doctors. xo
image via chfa.ca
Hallo there Ella, I really like your post and how you have outlined every crucial aspect about probiotics. Most of us love to take energy boosting supplements and ignoring things like probiotics which helps us get better health. I am however very keen on the supplements that I use or introduce to my family; I avoid synthetics wherever possible and focus much on natural supplements. Thanks a lot for sharing the post, enjoyed it.