Hello and welcome to Day 13 of the Cut the Sugar Challenge!
I hope you’re doing well and feeling great so far this year of living with less sugar + making some healthier changes along the way.
I love hearing from you by email and comments on social media how you’re enjoying these posts so that makes me really happy! If you have questions along the way, please don’t hesitate to ask in the comments of the blog posts so that everyone can see it and we can all help each other. You’re probably not the first one going through these symptoms, cravings etc. so do reach out to others here for support or just to share little bits of frustrations or joys when you make better choices – I know it helps others to know they’re not alone :)
Ok, so let’s jump into today’s very important topic – Candida!!
Have you heard of Candida? Do you know what Candida even is? And do you know if you may have it?
Candida is a yeast overgrowth that could be present in your body and you may not even know it. It could be destroying your life right this very minute and you’re left helpless and sick. Candida can bring on a myriad of health problems and symptoms and is not really recognized by health professionals as an illness so it’s hard to diagnose by your doctor.
On a personal note, I had Candida and when I learned about it and what it could do with to your health – all my symptoms made sense and also the fact that I was a sugar addict made even more sense!
You see, Candida feeds on sugar. Like any yeast or fungus it needs food to grow and it triggers signals to the brain of what it wants the most. Because sugar tastes great and is addictive – it’s a very easy win for Candida.
Years ago before I got sick, I wasn’t completely well for years but I dismissed my symptoms because it felt like everyone was going through some kind of ailment. Headaches, stress, sugar cravings, bloating – don’t these fit into the ‘norm’ of the modern life. So I now think that it was Candida for years just growing stronger and out of control until I finally got really sick.
Candida also likes moist environments and we lived by the lake and when we moved 7 years later and moved some of the furniture from the wall, we found some pretty nasty mould on the walls around the apartment. Was this also linked to my health? It’s very possible and all very likely it triggered my Candida health problems AND sugar cravings.
So what does Candida have to do with you cutting out sugar?
Well, if you do have Candida and are really struggling from sugar craving – I helps to know that it’s not your weakness to sugar but a much more complex health issue. And willpower alone will not cut it.
How to tell if you have Candida?
Common Candida Symptoms :
- Strong sugar and refined carb cravings
- Skin and nail fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot or toenail fungus
- Constant tiredness and feeling worn down, or suffering from chronic fatigue
- Digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, or diarrhea
- Difficulty concentrating, poor memory, lack of focus, ADD, ADHD, and brain fog
- Skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, hives, and rashes
- Irritability, mood swings, anxiety, or depression
- Yeast infections, urinary tract infections, rectal itching, or vaginal itching
- Severe seasonal allergies or itchy ears
Saliva Test :
There’s a very simple test you can do at home to check if you have Candida.
In the morning when you just wake up, prepare a clear glass with water (tap water is fine) and simply gather up your saliva and spit gently into it. (Do this before you brush your teeth). And wait about 2 minutes. Examine how the saliva reacts in the water. If it stays floating on top, you’re pretty much Candida free. If you see that it starts to drop into the water and look like strings floating in the water than you probably have Candida. Also suspended particles in the middle of the glass also suggest you have Candida.
This is a very simple test that is safe even for kids. I’ve done it and truly did see strings.
Then you can also confirm testing by visiting a Naturopath or check with your doctor for blood and/ or stool testing.
Overall, it helps to pay attention to your symptoms, cravings and find a professional who will help you cure Candida.
I take Candida very seriously and know how it peaks up in my case and in my kids and husband. And I quickly address the issue with a diet adjustment and supplements.
Do share your experience if you’ve had Candida or think you may have it, so we help each other. xo
Thank you for this post! I suffer from some symptoms of candida overgrowth, though not as many symptoms as in years past. When you say you are now able to quickly stop a candida overgrowth in its tracks using diet tweaks and supplementation, which supplements do you use?
Thanks and best,
ahhhhh! I have this!! I knew something was wrong…but I was unsure as to what. Thank you SO much! I did the test this morning. My saliva instantly started stringing down!!