It’s time to get spooky with some delicious ghost desserts… don’t you think? After all, Halloween is practically here, the pumpkins are getting carved, costumes are getting fitted; Halloween fun has began!
With all that candy and sugar going all around, don’t you wish that the desserts you do make with your little ones to be actually healthy? You know, delicious can be healthy, and I’m about to prove it to you with these super cute, super easy to do, healthy dessert ghosts. Say hello to Boolicious Macaroons – a wonderful little dessert that’s all vegan, (practically raw), gluten, dairy and egg free and no bake!
This recipe comes together easily, is made up of only a few ingredients and even a 5 year old can do it! So be sure to gather up some little creatures in your family to make these Halloween desserts. ps. you don’t have to tell them it’s ‘healthy’ ;D
(raw, vegan, gluten, sugar, dairy and egg free, no-bake dessert)
2 cups shredded unsweetened coconut
1/3 cup coconut oil, melted but cooled
1/2 cup almond flour
1/4 cup agave nectar, maple syrup (or raw honey)
2 tsp vanilla extract
4 squares melted chocolate for decorating,
more roughly chopped chocolate for plating
In a blender : combine all the ingredients except the chocolate. Mix well and shape into balls with your hands, then place them onto parchment paper and press slightly. Form them a little more as you wish with your hands. This is a great tome to invite some kids ;) Place them in the fridge for about 15 minutes. Melt the chocolate and decorate your ghosts by adding a spooky mouth and eyes. We used a wooden stir stick to dip the chocolate in and then paint onto the macaroon ghosts. You can use a chopstick or a culinary small brush if you have one. Take these back to the fridge for about 5-10 minutes and they’re ready to to serve ;) Makes 16 macaroons. (11 if you’re snacking – which is hard not to ;)
Boooo…. aren’t they scary!
This was a lot of fun! My 5 year old had a great time doing this. Then of course, it was fun to eat them ;D Best of all, is that I know my kid (and we) are eating something with pure ingredients, without any artificial ad-ins or preservatives. In fact, all these ingredients are super healthy to eat – and I call this dessert!? It’s like a Trick in a Treat! ;D
What frightening foods, snacks and desserts are you making for Halloween? ;D xo Ella
Love this Ella! We literally just finished carving our pumpkins before I sat at the computer and saw your post. Guess I’ll have to add another Halloween project to our list today! Thanks for sharing, it looks spookylicious!
Thanks Stephanie ;)
Oh your kids will love this – it’s like combining a craft with baking ;)
Have a spooktacular time ;D xoxo
Oh I love these cute little treats! And your daughter is such a cutie :)
These look awesome! Just writing the shopping list to make some. One thing though – doesn’t chocolate contain sugar?
Hi Katy ;)
I hope you’re already tried these out!
Good point, but not all chocolate is created equal.
I would recommend a 72% dark chocolate, these are very low in sugar, or you could also get chocolate sweetened with Stevia.
I use a very small amount of chocolate in this recipe. These also make great macaroons kept simply white without the addition of chocolate ;)
Hope this helps and you’ll enjoy the recipe.
xox ella