Hello darlings! Now that we’re in the Holiday season – I just know how busy you get! AND I know how you want great delicious treats… right? AND I also know you want no-fuss healthy treats! YES???
See, I know this stuff and therefore have the perfect dessert for you: no-bake, raw, healthy, gluten-free, vegan, grain-free, paleo and refined sugar-free Almond Joy Balls!! The perfect little bites for when you have a friend coming over or to have on hand in the fridge for those moments when you’re craving something sweet but want something healthy. Enjoy!!
These Almond Joy Balls are really inspired by these delicious Coconutties Bliss Balls – another must try recipe!!
[yumprint-recipe id=’23’]
- Always always choose healthier refined-sugar free options to sweeten desserts. Dates in this case are excellent to sweeten these balls – SO much better than white sugar in other desserts.
- Cut down the sweetness, I often see recipes like this with 2 cups of dates – dates are also sugar. It’s a healthier sugar but it’s also a sugar that does in fact raise your blood sugar.
- If you cut down on the dates and still need a bit more sweetness, I suggest subbing in a few drops of Stevia to have that sweetness heightened but without adding those extra sugar calories.
- You could also reduce the amount of these dates further and go with 1/2 cup dates (just enough to act as a binding agent for this recipe) and then add in the extra Stevia.
- Add protein!! Here, I have almonds which add in a good dose of protein to these balls. Something you want to incorporate in desserts as of then as you can because protein makes you feel fuller and you’re satisfied with less.
- Add healthy fats!! I did this here again with almonds. All nuts and seeds also contain healthy fatty acids which help with absorption of food and also keep you satisfied with less.
- Always choose healthy ingredients!! That’s why these are so much better for you than simple carbs in the form of doughnut-holes or other zero-nutrient desserts.
These are super simple to make – literally 10 minutes to get a delicious and healthy treat!
Goodbye doughnut holes and other sugar-loaded unhealthy treats you’re used to getting – you can have your cake and it it too!! :) (I was going to say you can have your balls and eat them too… but that has a really weird ring to it…. LOL ;)
Anyway, these are AWESOME – go forth and make them and enjoy the sweet side of life my friends!!!
Peace and love,
~ ella

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