It must be the hardest obstacle to overcome and finally say “yes, I accept” and move on with your life.
I’m dealing with an apparently incurable disease that I’ve been appointed with. It’s not so bad as you might think, with medication I am able to live a close-to-normal life, and it’s also non life threatening, but it’s not the same as things once used to be. I’m wondering if accepting this and not obsessing about how devastated my life is will actually come to be. I know other people have it way worse – is that a healthy way of making myself feel better? I’m not dying from this so shouldn’t this ‘make me stronger’ so the saying goes…. I can’t snap out of this ‘I feel sorry for myself’ phase. The disease is referred to as MG (Myeasthenia Gravis) an autoimmune neuromuscular disease leading to serious muscle weakness. With medication I am able to find some relief of my symptoms but on most days It’s difficult to get out of bed and dress myself, carry two plates at once or pick up my 2 year old daughter. It’s everyday simple things that I used to never think about and now it’s all the daily activities that weaken me not only physically but mentally too.
I’ve been thinking that it would be good to hear from people that had to go through or are going through a difficult situation and acceptance was part of their obstacle.
Is there a therapeutic relief of accepting a difficult situation? Is suffering just a natural part of life?
It’s best not to take your MG lightly. MG can be dangerous if you aren’t careful, and you have every reason to feel this way. It is part of the process to feel “unaccepting”. Let yourself feel what you are feeling. MG is a terribly lonely disease, because in many ways, you can’t communicate and you when you can, no one understands. It’s incredibly heartbreaking not to be able to pick up your own child. I know. I’ve been there. Don’t try to rush through the stages. Hope you get better and stay better.