What a beautiful day it was yesterday, sunny and 12 degrees. It was so LOVELY playing in the backyard in the SUNSHINE I couldn’t resist taking the outdoors in and getting started on gardening.
I thought it would be fun for my 2 1/2 year old daughter to learn about planting seeds, so we got to work! I prepped everything in a comfortable area for her (plus an easy to clean area for me. lol)
packing soil into paper containers
choosing seeds: sunflower, green peas, tomatoes
watering the planted containers
I added a short twig to each category and cut out the photo from the seed packaging – no TOO fussy – but cute enough ;0)
we finished off the fun with a little play time
Because who LOVES MUD more than KIDS do? PIGS!
The hardest part – was of course, clean up time ;P – but still all worth it!